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Creating Ceremony in the Digital Realm


Four 2 1/2 hour sessions. Every Tuesday from March 20th to April 10th.

Join us in an exploration both practical & visionary as together we learn what it is to imagine, design, & host Ceremony in the digital realm.


Digital SoulCollage:


Join us for five weeks of exploration into the art of soul collage in a digital format.


Digital SoulCollage


SoulCollage is a powerful practice that connects your body, intuition, imagination, and spirit. Designed as a process for self-knowledge and personal guidance, it is also a creative and reflective tonic for today's busy lifestyles.


July Open Studio Session


These regular monthly Open Studio sessions take place on the first Thursday of each month, and offer a place to practice, ask questions, and connect with a global community of online hosts engaged in a more human (in the best sense of the word) way of being together online.

August Open Studio


These regular monthly Open Studio sessions take place on the first Thursday of each month, and offer a place to practice, ask questions, and connect with a global community of online hosts engaged in a more human (in the best sense of the word) way of being together online.
