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The Art of Online Hosting


The Art of Online Hosting is designed for those who are called to gather people together across geographic boundaries and host online courses and events that are real, engaging, truly interactive & deeply connected. The course, experienced in a series of five two-hour online sessions, is both visionary and practical.


World Café: la magia de la conversación


Ya sea que formemos parte de una empresa, organización, o comunidad, saber conversar acerca de los temas que nos importan es esencial, ¿Cuáles son las condiciones para que podamos hacerlo bien?


Creating Ceremony in the Digital Realm


Four 2 1/2 hour sessions. Every Tuesday from March 20th to April 10th.

Join us in an exploration both practical & visionary as together we learn what it is to imagine, design, & host Ceremony in the digital realm.


May Community World Cafe


FREE monthly World Cafes for the World Cafe community and friends.


The Art of Zentangle


Join Amy Lenzo and Certified Zentangle Trainer Jill Greenbaum for a Deep Dive into the exciting world of Zentangle.

Three Saturdays: May 12th, 19th, & 26th
10am - 12am Pacific Time | 1-3 Eastern Time | 7 - 9pm CET
Cost $150 (includes materials)

To make sure you have time to receive your materials
