Voices From Around the World

The following quotes are from clients and participants of weDialogue online events all over the world.
“I was very inspired not only by the rich content and wisdom of the conversation, but by the infinite possibilities that this platform and technology open up. Thank you very much for your warm and caring hosting of the conversation.”Capetown, South Africa
“Thank you. You are a gracious host and do such wonderful work, creating a beautiful, virtual space in time for people to consider what matters.”Seattle, Washington
“What a great call! And what a great dynamic between the hosts”Washington DC
“Thank you for your hosting yesterday. Your presence was very strong, vibrating with the life of this invisible space we’d created. The warmth and fullness of expression in your voice helped me be comfortable in a place that can feel cold, distant, and abstract to me.”Paris, France
“I was amazed – I never expected that I could have such an intimate conversation with women that I had never even met before.”Chicago, Illinois
“This was a great example of how the Internet can be a platform for deep learning and community-building.”San Francisco, California
“I attended the What’s Awakening Café earlier this week and cannot stop talking about it with my network. That conversation is the kind of thing that will cause positive tipping points throughout the world, and I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.”Boulder, Colorado
“For facilitation of group conversation on meaningful topics, I’ve never had a better experience than in a worldwide discussion facilitated on the Arab Spring a few years ago. It was a complete wow — nearly 4 hours went by like nothing, it was so engaging. Amy Lenzo is amazing, and so is her team.”Tel Aviv, Israel
“Everyone on your team did a GREAT job! One of the best experiences of this kind I’ve ever had. You attracted terrific people, and designed and conducted a superb process.”New York, New York