September Open Studio

Amy Lenzo

These regular monthly Open Studio sessions take place on the first Thursday of each month, and offer a place to practice, ask questions, and connect with a global community of online hosts engaged in a more human (in the best sense of the word) way of being together online.

August Open Studio Session

Amy Lenzo

These regular monthly Open Studio sessions take place on the first Thursday of each month, and offer a place to practice, ask questions, and connect with a global community of online hosts engaged in a more human (in the best sense of the word) way of being together online. 

ORIGIN STORIES with David Sibbet

Amy Lenzo

Join us for this very special Origin Call with David Sibbet, Founder of the Grove International, on the Origins of Visual Sense-Making.

July Open Studio Session

Amy Lenzo

These regular monthly Open Studio sessions take place on the first Thursday of each month, and offer a place to practice, ask questions, and connect with a global community of online hosts engaged in a more human (in the best sense of the word) way of being together online.

Online Hosting Now! Practices for Spaciousness and Relationship

Amy Lenzo

This is the only “real-time” live learning program I am offering right now among a rich suite of evergreen courses on online hosting and tech hosting. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to work with me and my colleagues at Kommunicatsionsloten, Holger Scholz and Jan Buckenmayer as we explore online hosting now and introduce practices for spaciousness and relationship online.